Blogging from LAX on the way home from 10 days of Secret Saturdays work. First, some good news... CN will finally start airing the rest of the first 26 episodes next month. A Saturdays marathon of the first 10 is set for April 5th, with the first new one premiering April 10th. From that point on, a new Saturdays episode will air every week until the big finale at #26. I really think the stories get bigger and better as we progress, so I'm hoping you'll dig what you see. And wait'll you get a peek at the new 10! Lots of surprises to come. It was great to see the cast and crew again. The actors were in fine form with the new material and easily slipped back into character (and into cracking everyone up with off-mic hilarity). We had a blast, as usual. On a related note, I don't think there's anything more flattering than finding out you've made a good first impression on a
total stranger. Thanks Joel, and all the best in New Zealand!