Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Good Ol' Jake

If you're ever out near Marsh's free museum in Long Beach, Washington, be sure to drop in and say hello to my pal Jake the Alligator Man. He may be dead, but he's still likes a little company. Who is Jake, you might ask? Well, no less an authority than The Weekly World News said, "Scientists call bizarre creature the Missing Link." But Sideshow World has the full scoop... "A lot of folks claim Jake was a valet in a New Orleans whorehouse. Others say that Jake was a sideshow freak who smoked cigars and could nod yes or no to simple questions when asked. There have even been people that stopped by to visit Jake that say they've seen him alive in a Texas carnival. Out of all the curiosities found in Marsh's Free Museum Jake the Alligator Man is the most amazing."