Monday, February 13, 2006

GeGeGe Game

This superbly detailed overview at bog leech of the Konami GeGeGe No Kitaro game isn't just an analysis of the game, but serves as a terrific recap of Kitaro's origin, and an incredible list of a weird host of Yokai! From the site (in case you missed my previous posts about Shigeru Mizuki or Kitaro) ... "More or less the most beloved cultural phenomenon in Japanese history, Gegege no Kitarou tells the story of a one-eyed "goblin boy" who protects the human world from the supernatural and vice-versa as a free-lance hero to any who seek his aid. He is accompanied by Medama Oyaji or "Old Man Eyeball"; literally the walking, talking eyeball of his dead father. Mixing eerie horror elements with childlike innocence and humor, the manga debuted in the late 1960's and has since spawned four animated series, several movies and videogames, its own museum, and even a street adorned with bronze statues of its entire cast."
Thanks to Jonathan W.