Friday, January 02, 2009
Old Things
To kick off 2009, I've gone back over the last few years of Monsterama posts and cleaned up some faulty image files for you. Now you can browse the nearly 300 entries by date, category, or by searching for a subject.
Revisit old posts on the likes of Mr. and Mrs. J. Evil Scientist (here, here, and here.), the weirdest Hanna-Barbera characters of all because they had their own comic book but no TV series! There's a nifty place to follow up on them over at Quasi-interesting paraphenalia Inc., with more info and embedded video!
Remember my old posts on Milton the Monster? You can check out Hal Seeger's horrible hick here, and here. Or go back and flip over foreign-made, off-model Frankenstein Jr. stuff (here, here, and here.) Speaking of which, Funko finally put out the first licensed Franky Jr. toy in a looong time with their wicked wobble bank! Click on Tutenstein or the Secret Saturdays at right to instantly get at the whole story behind my own creepy creations. Have fun!